Your well-being is our reason why.

Our Mission

The success of our community members is the key to creating healthy and prospering communities. At UPLIFT Lexington County, we seek to improve behavioral health through partnerships and empowerment that lead to healing and hope.

A modern Comprehensive Community Support

By establishing a strong network of local resources, Lexington County community members are able to find reliable, accessible care close to home…provided by those who know them best.

UPLIFT Lexington County seeks to:


Improve services and support for people experiencing behavioral health challenges.


Assess and expand existing behavioral health resources in the community.


Address barriers to care and underlying issues to improve health equity for patients.


Build partnerships between police, EMS, healthcare workers, mental health service providers and people with lived experience of mental illness.


Establish a comprehensive and coordinated system of care delivery among partners and resource providers.


Deliver tailored training to law enforcement and emergency first responders that supports and reflects shared protocols in the system of care for mental health-related incidents.


Offer mental health care support for first responders.

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